Change the World in Japan
Change the World in Japan The 3rd International Dhammadayada Ordination Program
Five rooms which affect your habit :- restroom
Five room which affect your habit. The valuable teaching from the Most Ven. Phrabhavanaviriyakhun (Dattajivo Bhikkhu), the vice abbot of Dhammakaya Temple.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- The Second Group of Blessings
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Second Group of Blessings. Turning towards wholesomeness
Special Report: Dhamma Cetiyas
Special Report: Dhamma Cetiyas – The Ancient Buddhist Scriptures of the World
The Commencement Ceremony of DOU 2013
The Commencement Ceremony of Dhammakaya Open University, California (DOU) on Sunday July 7th, 2013
Have Good Jobs and Keep Doing Good Work
We have to work for our living. Those who have good jobs and keep doing good work need to work hard. In order to keep working hard, we have to be patient.
How DMC has influenced people around the world?
How DMC has influenced or positively changed people around the world?
Living In A Suitable Location
Likewise with regards to human beings for instance: a capable intelligent man who lives in an improper surrounding and without support from others, could accomplish nothing, no matter how intelligent he is.